As usual I was bored . So i decided to go to a movie and since Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori were starring, I decided to buy the tickets for Kites. Well, it was one of the most hyped hindi films before it was released. Newspapers like Indian express kept yapping about the film before it was released. And after the film got released no news of the film in the Indian express or the bollywood box office hits.No wonder.
Here is what i thought of the movie after i came out of the theater.
The movie is just the same old typical hindi love story
1. Hero falls in love with the heroine.
2. Hero and heroine escapes.
3. The villian chases them ,then typical bullet firings and cars flying.Police chasing too.
4.Hero and heroine escapes.
5.Some drama.
7.Final fight
8.Happy ending
A weird thing about this movie is that half the characters in the movie know to speak in Hindi as well as Spanish(Mexican), a strange and weird combination. The story according to me lacks proper direction and went completely loony.Roles of some of the characters was not justifiable. The worst part of the movie i can think of is the climax , which completely debacled the movie. Overall this movie is just ordinary and quite average not justifying the fact that the movie budget was about 70 crores and the movie was released in 2000 theatres worldwide. Now one may put the question "How is the title 'kites' related to the movie?" The movie starts explaining that often two kites start coming close together, when they are close enough they forget that one of the kite is going to cut the string of the other kite. Weird logic but explains the title(u will understand only if you watch the movie). My advice to the readers , if you havent watched the movie,unless you are a fan of Hrithik or Barbara Mori,dont watch it coz it is completely waste of your time and your money .